Description Of Your Future Romantic Partner Or Significant Encounter Delivered via Email PDF Within 72 Hours


A paragraph will be provided with details of your next romantic encounter. Please note this description does not mean your next romantic encounter will become a long-lasting connection, it simply is a description of the next person you will have a romantic encounter of some sort (date, flirt, a rekindle), with the possibility for a potential future relationship or connection. Details MAY include some or all (but not necessarily), things such as hair colour, eye colour, skin tone, ethnicity, young, old, age, height, weight, dress style, where they live (like a description of their surroundings), pets, kids, the kind of job or projects they are involved in, style of music, personality traits, and possibly where or when you will meet (I will NOT guarantee that info will be provided), I only provide the information that is given to me for your specific reading and of course I will provide any additional details that are relevant (could be anything such as names initials or whatever). If you are already in a relationship and purchase one of these readings this could be describing the next significant encounter that will be relevant in your life in some way (connected to a job, project, relationship, school or course). If you are someone who is involved in or are creating a third party connection, I would encourage you to reconsider engaging in such a situation and consider to either repair or move away from your current relationship, before diving into another emotional/intimate connection, and also consider one of my other courses or services, as they may help you to create a more happy and fulfilling outcome.

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